Group Rankings
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Last updated
You know the drill. Someone drops a CA, half the group apes in, the other half cries “rug,” and you’re stuck wondering if the person who called it is a giga-brain or just another LARPer chasing clout.
The chat’s full of noise and you can’t tell if it’s actual alpha or a late-night Solana sh*tter.
No rankings, no proof, no clarity - just pure chaos.
Onchain Leaderboards rank groups, members (callers), and calls by gains making it simple to follow the best performers and find real alpha.
- Instantly see a group’s rankings to know how alpha it really is.
- See which calls printed the hardest and who shared them.
/check + username
- spot the real gigabrains, filter the LARPs to know exactly when it’s time to ape into a call.